

Monday, March 17, 2014

Letters to Our Daughters - March 2014

Dear Bella,

You woke up this morning and told me I was the most amazing mom in the world, but the truth is, if I'm the most amazing mom in the world, it's only because you are the most amazing daughter in the world.

I don't know how I got so lucky, but I thank God every day that he chose me to be your mommy.

I was so excited for our vacation to Disney World this year and so sad that it's over. We had such a fun time last year, I couldn't wait to see what was in store for us this year.

We certainly got off to a rocky start with our horrible road trip, but our days in the parks were so much fun. There were a lot of challenges on our vacation this year, to say the least, but I'm pretty sure you won't remember the difficulties and only remember the fun things.

The best part of my vacation was seeing your eyes light up every day. Whether it was meeting your favorite characters,

or riding the Ariel ride three times or the teacups,

or watching the parade or getting a princess makeover,

or having lunch at Cinderella's castle,

there wasn't really much that you didn't enjoy.

I hope going to Disney is something we can do together every year for many years to come. I'm sure there will come a day when you will want to take a vacation somewhere other than Disney, but until that day comes, I look forward to the fun memories we will create with each trip. (But I promise, from now on we will fly!)

I'm so happy we got to share our vacation with Nana again this year and it was so great to have Papa, TeeTee, Uncle Matt, Emma and Baby Cousin with us too this year.

Most of all, I'm so grateful that I was able to take you on this magical vacation. I have wonderful memories of vacations we took when I was little and I want to make sure you have those memories too. I can't wait to make more memories of our own.

I love you most Monkey!


I am joining a group of very talented photographers, and more importantly, mothers, for this very personal "Letters to Our Daughters" project. Please continue around our circle and visit Lila James and read her letter to her daughters.
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