

Monday, April 21, 2014

Letters to Our Daughters - April 2014

Dear Bella,

It has certainly been a long winter. I feel like we have been cooped up in the house forever. Thankfully, the weather is finally starting to improve and we were even able to get outside for a walk and made our first trip to the park.

It was so nice to be outside in the fresh air and see you running and playing. It always surprises me how much joy you get out of the little things. When we walked to the park, you spent the whole time running around and picking up sticks. 

This is the first year I didn't take you to a studio to get your pictures taken in your Easter dress. This year I decided to do it myself. We had a fun little photo session and you even cooperated, for the most part! I think you were just happy to be outside and in a fancy dress.

The holidays are always so much fun with you. We've had such a great time over the past few weeks having breakfast with the Easter Bunny and going on Easter egg hunts and eating your fill of candy (much to Mommy's dismay!).

The warm weather will be here soon and we are going to have a summer filled with lots of fun activities for sure!

I love you most Monkey!



I have joined a very talented group of photographers, and more importantly, mothers, for this very personal Letters to Our Daughters project. Please continue around our circle and visit my friend Bianca deVries of Bianca deVries Photography and read her letter to her daughter.
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