

Monday, May 19, 2014

Letters to Our Daughters - May 2014

Dear Isabella,
We've all heard of the "terrible twos" but no one ever warns you that the age of three is far worse than two. We sailed right through the so-called "terrible twos" and I thought we were home free, that is until you hit three!
You have developed such a strong-willed personality, which one day will be a great attribute to have, but at this stage in your life, your strong-willed personality is really testing Mommy's patience!
I think at this stage, "NO" is your favorite word, and it's my least favorite! I've been doing my best to teach you right from wrong and how to do things for yourself, but sometimes there is just no reasoning with you and I'm learning I just have to let you work it out for yourself.
While I feel like I am rapidly losing my mind during this stage of your childhood, there is also this side of you that I just adore. You can go from screaming and throwing a tantrum one minute, to this loving, caring little girl the next.
I know you probably just need to get outside and burn some energy and while the weather has been improving, it has still been rather chilly. We did manage to get outside quite a bit these past few weeks. I love how you get such joy in the simplest things.
You got so excited to see the flowers blooming in our backyard. You especially loved the dandelions, probably because they are the only "flowers" I would let you pick. You walked all around our little yard and picked every one until you had a bouquet!

There were a few days the weather went up into the 80s and we took advantage and went to the park. I just love seeing you run and play on the playground. It's amazing how much you have grown since last summer. Last year you would only go down the small slide and you were even a little skittish about that. This year, on our first trip to the park, I think you tried every slide there and had a ball! You also crawled through the tunnel, which is something else you wouldn't do last year.

The rain has gotten the best of us the past few weeks so you have been spending a lot of time playing with Play-Doh, which is your newest obsession lately. You have been having so much fun creating all kinds of different things. You are developing quite a little collection of Play-Doh sets. Your favorites are your bakery set and your new princess sets your dad bought for you.

I can't believe how fast you are growing up and how in just a few short months you are going to be 4 years old and starting Prekindergarten. We got the official "Welcome to the Prekindergarten Class of 2028" letter. It made me cry! Slow down little're growing up too fast.

I love you most Monkey!


I have joined a very talented group of photographers, and more importantly, mothers, for this very personal Letters to Our Daughters project. Please continue around our circle and visit my friend Yazmin Wickham of Yazmin Wickham Photography and read her letter to her daughter.


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